Coach Certification

Ferranti Empowerment is proud to offer a certification program for anyone interested in learning a unique integrated training methodology, specifically in the sport of soccer, but applicable to any decision-making sport. 

E-Courses & Live Training Available

Experience the transformational power of our services and courses as Amanda guides you to connect with your player(s) on a deeper level, igniting unwavering confidence and unlocking their goal-scoring potential. Don’t fall into the trap of solely focusing on skills and agility—address the root cause of performance obstacles, fear, and doubt. Enroll in our certification today and become the driving force behind your player’s soccer journey, making a profound and meaningful impact on their overall experience.

Bonus Features

Step-by-step instructions

Frameworks and diagrams

Proprietary worksheets

Long-lasting routines

Links to resources


Hear What Coaches Are Saying

The videos that Amanda made were very helpful, specific, and concise where I questioned my training sessions and interactions with my players. I used some tools that helped me conduct my sessions at my club where players started to think more and get better with their decision making on the field.”

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Certification Features

Mental Skills Training Resources


In a self-paced format, you will have full access to video content and downloadable materials with the benefit of being able to learn and implement the tools on your own timeline.

Mental Skills Training Resources


With the help of workbooks, you can have accessible tools at your fingertips to help you connect with your players and enhance confidence with actionable strategies.

Live Training

With live training, you will experience our unique methodology with direct guidance from our expert coach, Amanda, and learn how to integrate sport psychology into your existence program.

How It Works

  • Contact Amanda to discuss the layout and design of the certificaiton program.
  • All coaches will gain access to the e-course bundle on How to Develop Confident Goal Scorers.
  • All coaches wil receive the Own Who You Are Workbook and the 5 A’s Emotion Mangement Routine Coaches Manual.
  • Classroom and in-person field sessions are scheduled based on availability. 
  • Discounts are available for groups over 8 coaches.