Turn Your Fear to Determination

Turn Your Fear to Determination My heart started pounding and I felt a rush of blood pulse through my body. In a blink of an eye my breathing became difficult, my stomach hollowed, and my thoughts turned into rapid fireworks. I was consumed by a mix of fear, anger,...
How I Get in My Own Way

How I Get in My Own Way

How I Get in My Own Way ​Like many of my clients I want outcomes – I want evidence that tells me that what I am doing and what I am working for is worth it.  Although a natural way of thinking, when we pay too much attention to outcomes – or do the work for the...
Master the Psychology of Decision Making

Master the Psychology of Decision Making

Master the Psychology of Decision Making When I work with athletes ages 12-18 the conversation is often about the psychology of decision-making.  At that age, children are newly capable of thinking hypothetically and are learning to use logical reasoning to solve...
Don’t Think of a White Elephant

Don’t Think of a White Elephant

Don’t Think of a White Elephant The White Elephant Red Flag One of the most common red flags that I see as a mental skills consultant is when I ask an athlete “what do you truly want” and they respond with “I don’t want…” When I hear this response – and it...